More questions need to be asked about why it’s incredibly selfish and ignorant for British people to travel to vulnerable Caribbean countries and risk spreading Covid.

These countries do not have the infrastructure or healthcare provision that the West has.
We’ve seen influencers from Britain trying to escape hotels and the law out of this selfishness. People need to understand the implications their actions have on other people, and in my opinion, that Black lives clearly don’t matter to people here.
Although Britain has been a total an utter failure throughout the pandemic, it has a hundred times the resources and finances to combat the virus than the Caribbean.

If covid takes hold of those areas, that’s our families and our people at risk - and for what exactly?
We seriously need to put an end to British exceptionalism because it has potentially devastating consequences on other people and nations.
So people are right to criticise the FAMILY for taking him there, because it shows no regard or respect to the thousands of Caribbean lives that it could potentially put at risk.

The life of a War veteran will not be placed over the lives of our families and homeland.
This is part of the point a lot of Black Caribbeans would like to make and it’s important this is heard and understood. It should not be an opportunity to politicise a war vet’s death though, and people need to pay their respects or just leave the man alone.
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