1) Just entertain my ideas, folks. The more I follow the "insurrection" drama, the more I feel like this was a very planned bipartisan psyop event that baited real Trump supporters...
2) Twitter taking down Trump's account just two days after the event for two tweets that arguably didn't incite any violence never sat well with me. Why did this happen? After some recent news coverage, I began wondering if his account hid some clues...
5) A week later, the Don would publicly announce the Stop the Steal protest on January 6th--two and a half weeks out...
6) And just in case there was someone in D.C. who didn't know about the event, Trump sent another tweet out for good measure...
7) The very next day, MSNBC asked former senior aide Olivia Troye (who left the WH in August 2020) about Trump's legacy. She said, "...I am actually very concerned that there will be violence on January 6th..."
9) And there's our favorite FBI informant Tarrio in the picture! They really love this character, don't they?!?
11) A day later, AOC's buddy Ted Cruz would have some choice words in Georgia...
14) With ALL of the above being public knowledge going into January 6th, why would congress even meet that day?!? At the very least, they were certainly calling for more protection, right? Well, freshman congresswoman Cori Bush might have been too busy drafting a bill instead...
16) Maybe "Activist John" was just a random troublemaker, but why was he arrested and immediately released TWICE (once in D.C. and once in Utah) in the days following the riot?...
20) Apparently, MSNBC was anticipating AOC's Insta Live story, as they put together an entire panel to talk about it just moments after it happened...
21) You'll notice in that video Alexi McCammond said AOC was swarmed by Trump supporters while leaving work Monday prior to the riot. That's funny, because Capitol police swarmed our M4A protest that very morning. I was around later and didn't see any big groups on the Hill...
22) And MSNBC didn't just do one segment! Apparently mother Katie Porter was available for comment...
23) Also, poor freshman Mondaire Jones must have been so confused...
24) And now we're all in "solidarity" suddenly?

What?!? Why?!? Is this real life?!?

Seacrest out.

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