A long thread on how an obsessive & violent antisemite & Holocaust denier has been embraced by the international “community of the good.”

Sarah Wilkinson has a history of Holocaust denial & anti-Jewish hatred dating back (in documented examples) to around 2015.
She is a self-proclaimed British activist for “Palestinian rights” but is more accurately a far Left neo-Nazi. Her son shares the same characteristics of violence, racism & Holocaust denial.
I first documented Sarah Wilkinson’s Holocaust denial back in July 2016. I believe I was the 1st person to do so.

Since then she has produced a long trail of written hate and abuse. See here for a good summary. https://twitter.com/HeidiBachram/status/1356601923852529665?s=20 https://twitter.com/NudderingNudnik/status/750457131934048256?s=20
Wilkinson has recently been publicly celebrated by @XRebellionUK over her latest violent action against a Jewish owned business. Despite many people calling XR’s attention to her history, XR have chosen to remain in alliance with this neo-Nazi.
Former Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP is among those who also chose to stand with Wilkinson via a tweet.

But McDonnell is not alone.

Neo-Nazi Sarah Wilkinson is supported and encouraged by thousands of those on the Left who consider themselves “anti-racists”.
All in the name of “the Palestinians”. These people are enabling a virulent neo-Nazi.

Some of the names you are going to see here may shock you. Others will not.

Does it mean they are all neo-Nazi’s, antisemites and Holocaust deniers too? No, of course not.
Though some of her Twitter followers and supporters will inevitably share some of those traits & behaviours.

But for most, they will simply either have failed to notice the hate that pours from her daily or else they noticed & thought “yes, that’s how I see the world too”.
The people i am about to name will be outraged by the suggestion that they have anything in common with Wilkinson. In which case they need to start asking themselves why they swim in the same pool as a neo-Nazi and why hadn’t they noticed?
Ok, let’s get started and let's begin naming the “good” people who follow and support British neo-Nazi activist Sarah Wilkinson.

First up Yasmine Dar. Labour Party NEC member & former Head of Disputes who was of course tasked with investigating anti-Jewish racism. @Yasmine_Dar
Next up is Jane O'Meara Sanders. Yes - Bernie's wife.
Jane follows a neo-Nazi.
I'll repeat that while you let it sink in. Your great American Socialist hope has a wife who follows an extremely active and visible neo-Nazi.
1st person to yell "horseshoes" wins a stale bagel.
How about British Corbynista rap star Akala? He gave a workshop on songwriting at SOAS recently. I wonder why SOAS, eh?
@akalamusic follows a British neo-Nazi.
On the theme of cultural figures we turn to one with over 1m followers who has a long history of "criticising Israel" via letter to the Guardian etc.
Yes, @DalrympleWill follows a British neo-Nazi.
Inevitably, the former @nusuk President @MaliaBouattia
who saw Zionist outposts everywhere (ok, Birmingham) also follows our neo-Nazi. She's now an editor at @redpepper apparently.
Do many other of their editors follow neo-Nazis?
How about Jeremy Corbyn? Does he follow our neo-Nazi?
Amazingly, no. Must have cleaned up shop just a little.
But don't worry. If he was still a Lab MP then Jeremy would find that the vice-Chair (Campaigns) of his Islington North CLP @jackson_caines does follow a neo-Nazi.
How about German Leftist politicians who follow neo-Nazis?
Hard to resist really. Colour me shocked that @HeikeHaensel
who is vice-Chair of the Left group in the German parliament follows a neo-Nazi.
Let's keep our international focus here for a moment and note that Kenyan photographer/rebel political sensation @bonifacemwangi also follows a neo-Nazi.
Hatred without borders, innit?
How about the Red Cross? They save the world! They are good people!
We wouldn't find that the ICRC Head of Comms @AIsyukICRC follows a neo-Nazi, would we?
Oh, Anastasia.
Back to British culture. Bonnie Greer. @Bonn1eGreer follows me. Has done for ages.
But Bonnie also follows our neo-Nazi.
Bonnie needs to ask herself why that is.
Inevitably we come to Rachel Swindon.
Rachel is a long time friend of @OwenJones84 Jeremy & everyone else who helped subject British Jews to 5 years of hate.
Rachel follows a neo-Nazi ("just the 1?" you ask)
H/T for this view of Wilkinson's followers @MatzoBalling
I'm not even going to mention that George Galloway follows our neo-Nazi.

Next, we turn again to the US.
Where activist @lsarsour just happens to follow a British neo-Nazi. As you do. Say hi to Bernie's wife for us, Linda!
Again, H/T @MatzoBalling
Now back to @UKLabour
First up is @TedPowe23813497 - Ted is an @NEUnion rep & Lab Cllr candidate in Bristol. He's a teacher, but he also follows our neo-Nazi.
Could do better, Ted. Must try harder.
Let's hear it for @Penny_Gowland who is a Lab councillor in Abbey Ward, Nottingham.
I'm sure she does great work when she's not busy supporting the toxic JVL, but Penny also follows a neo-Nazi.
Oh yeah.
General toxic "historian" Louise Raw.
Better include her i guess.
@LouiseRawAuthor follows a neo-Nazi.
Don't forget that @harrowelabour follow a neo-Nazi.
Whilst "working for a more equal society".
And the good old London & South branch of the PCS union @BEIS_PCS_LS also follows our neo-Nazi Sarah Wilkinson.
Let's have another @UKLabour councillor @CllrJonSHarvey who as well as representing the good folk of Buckingham also follows neo-Nazi Sarah Wilkinson.
And then a quick pivot to note that the Head of the Palestinian mission to the UK @hzomlot also follows our neo-Nazi.
Who ever said the PLO was choosy about who it got into bed with, eh?
Let's add in some student PalSocs who just happen to find themselves following a violent neo-Nazi.
1st up is @UoNPalSoc
@nottinghamuniv will be interested in that, as may @LordJohnMann
Those students at @durham_uni who are members of their PalSoc are being linked to a neo-Nazi by the fact that @DurhamPalestine follows Wilkinson.
Back to @UKLabour just to note that Cllr & Vice-Chair Hannah Packham of Exeter CLP @HanLP also follows a neo-Nazi.
And in Bolton, Cllr & Cab member @sueihaworth also follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
Of course she does.
How about Ireland. How about the Irish delegation to the UN?
Yep, the Legal attache @annacarroll1991 does of course follow a neo-Nazi.
Why wouldn't she?
Staying with Ireland for a moment, let's note that Dublin Bay North TD @OCallaghanCian follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
East and West.
@ReadingLabour follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
Let's turn to a @unitetheunion Regional officer.
@GarethLowe3 follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
Don't forget the pensioners!
Which is why i will note that the Merseyside Pensioners Assoc follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier. @MerseyPensioner
How about Pat?
Pat was a Lab PPC at the last election.
Pat's a socialist. @Pat4NorthDorset
And Pat follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
I wonder if Pat also reads Dorset Eye?
Even the Nudnik needs to eat sometimes.
So as i go off to do that, I'll leave you with this list of more of Sarah Wilkinson's "good people" followers. H/T @MatzoBalling
Right, food was good. Watching Pretend It's a City with the hilarious Fran Lebowitz whilst eating it (all standards have gone at Nuddering Towers these days now) was even better.

So - maybe a few more before i take my leave.

Who's next?

How about some culture?
Perfect. I give you Naomi Barton - Audience Editor at The Wire. @therealnaomib

Naomi follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust Denier and maybe - just maybe - hadn't noticed!
Next up, another Naomi.
This one is Naomi Waltham-Smith who is a Professor at @warwickuni
It seems that @auralflaneur follows a neo-Nazi Holocaust-denier.
One for @LordJohnMann to consider as context for the problem in UK universities?
Talking of UK academics who find themselves following a neo-Nazi Holocaust-denier, here we have Dr Kellie Thompson who lectures in social work at @LiverpoolHopeUK
Dr Kellie might want to so some self-reflexive enquiry into how she ended up here?
Did you hear the one about @PSCupdates being too tough on anti-Jewish racism? No, neither did I.
So here's @Luton_PSC proving that you can be part of PSC & still follow a Holocaust denier.
Just to prove that violent Jew-haters will always seek each other out, here's every Leftist's favourite terrorist Lila Khaled following a Holocaust denier.
When @glastonbury happens again you might want to let the little kids have some fun at the lovely @kidzfield
They've got it all, including a follow for a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
No list of "good people who happen to follow a Holocaust denier" would be complete without someone from @amnesty
So let's hear it for Adriona Tidona @AdrianaTdn
who made it onto the list!
Good work Adriona!
How about a bit of extra thick irony (I know, I'm outside my comfort zone here.
How about Ireland Against Fascism @IrlagainstFash
They follow a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
Hilarious, no?
Lastly, Dr Hanan Ashwari from the leadership of the PLO & now a Fellow at @StAntsCollege Oxford.
Dr Hanan finds herself following a neo-Nazi Holocaust denier.
Can only be a new experience for her, no?
Ok, that's enough from me.
You get the point.
Thousands of the "good" following a rancid racist.
People of all backgrounds, in all roles, across the world. But mainly in the UK.
And they never once noticed what she was. Or did they?

That's me done for a while.

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