There's a reason I refuse to implement daily streaks on Polygloss. A lot of people have suggested it before. A self scheduled routine is something I have in mind, but daily streaks I absolutely won't. It's 100% bullshit.
Yes, some people need some structure to get in a routine. Forming a habit probably requires keeping it up for some time. I can see how daily streaks can help you get there. However, I think it's a very unhealthy user-retention technique mental health-wise and ultimately shitty
First, because it strips the user away from the autonomy to define their own pace and goals. Secondly, because it means absolutely nothing if it's not grounded by some other metric. The only thing it says is "you played this X times", it says nothing about your language progress
Gamification can be fun, but I think there are limits in how we try to instill "fun" in people. In reality, I bet a feijoada that the main reason daily streaks are used by apps is because it's great thing for user retention.
It's a completely deluded process in which product owners convince themselves that the value of the app lies in being more used in itself, as if they're doing the learners a favor by making them come back.
This is extremely worrying in a relationship where one is selling product. Companies are usually not charities. I feel daily streaks are manipulative, wrong and lazy.
It's also not very accessible. We already live in a world where everything is competing for our attention, plus there are varying degrees in which we handle this. I am sure we can come up with healthy ways to enjoy things that provide us good value.
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