This dataviz from @NYGovCuomo is the kind of chart I give students to figure out why it's problematic. Chart on the right is our representation of the same data.
Looks like my story (or at least my inquiries) led to a new dataviz from @NYGovCuomo — according to this pic from @jessemckinley, who is monitoring the presser. And ... a new opportunity to spot problems.
First, again the Y-axis. It's not marked, so it looks like both ends of the yellow curve are closer to zero than they really are.
Second, the 7-day average hasn't been nearly that high since it was 7.8% on May 16. This is according to the state's own data for the 5 counties that make up NYC.
Third, and I'm guessing this is a typo, but the 7-day average positivity rate hasn't been below 5.0% since it was 4.7% on 12/26.
Which, by the way, is actually indicated by the yellow graph.
About that yellow curve, I still wonder if it's been graphed with actual data software or not. It is certainly a lot closer to the 7-day average than the first chart. But that peak is definitely not 7.94%.
Note that our chart ends on Jan. 31, the Feb. 1 data the governor shows isn't posted online yet.
. @GarethRhodes points out that @NYGovCuomo's use of this 7-day average chart is not new, and that he used such a chart in a briefing Friday. (The same day he used the chart at the top of this thread.) The issues, though, still exist.
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