Have I ever discussed how most SAT and ACT classes are designed to be ineffective so they can produce leads for group tutoring and only tutors who care design them to be effective b4 today

For my old company I was told "if they want results they will buy 1 on 1" for group kids
So when @jselingo quoted a study that said test prep is ineffective because group test prep only yields what was it 50-100 points I thought... yeah... by design (also if it is 50-100 points at a 1300+ that is a lot)

Most tutoring companies need those leads to convert to 1 on 1
So when a student gets a bump but not the score they want you are trained to say well a think a couple 1 on 1 will help

I think it was 70% or more of our leads come from group classes that gave students hope they could improve their score but not the actual score
That is why I always advise parents if you are going to make the mistake of paying for test prep then at least do 1 on 1. It is more individualized and personalized.
Say you only have $400. Most tutors do $100/hr . 4 sessions of 1 on 1 is more effective than 6-8 weeks of standardized groups for MOST (not all) students

Your student will have to study on their own more so you need to be on top of them but it usually yields more points overall
There are tutors that do groups well but the big companies that are household names... ones I have worked for... it is always better do 1 on 1 and maybe convince the tutor to go off the books (which is a violation of contract but most tutors will do)
Paying over 1k for group makes no sense to me. You can do so much 1 on 1 for that.
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