Time for #tuesdaytea

A week ago today, I spoke at #TAWeek about attraction strategies for diverse talent. I centered the conversation around Black & Brown folks.

Because, why not.

The conference digital set up was weird. 1/7
I had to share screen in streamyard but the event was held on another platform.

Since I was sharing screen & video the moderator said they’d put the questions in the chat. So I left 5 minutes.

I tried to answer as many questions as possible but it was nearly impossible. 2/7
So I hopped over to the event forum after I signed off.

I found a disturbing and unsettling scene.

There were numerous incendiary comments left by White industry pros taking offense to my use of language, my tone, and my candor. There were several telling me how to speak. 3/7
There were several more policing my tone & vibe.

But what I also found were countless Black & Brown industry pros standing up for me, redirecting the conversation, and educating the White pros.

This is problematic for many reasons: 4/7
1. The conference did not make me aware, didn’t comment, didn’t redirect. But yet they cut & paste questions.

2. By ignoring the issue the conference hosts FORCED Black & Brown folks to stop learning to fix their problem.

3. By staying silent, they are the problem. 5/7
As someone that speaks regularly I was rocked to my core.

First at being tone policed but mostly because diverse voices still can’t share their experiences without White folks trying to control the narrative. And White folks that invited me to speak did not not protect me. 6/7
It’s been a whole ass week and I’m not angry but I worry for speakers less stronger than me.

Who is protecting them?

What if Black & Brown pros weren’t in that space to redirect what would have happened?

Thankfully I’ll never have find out because they had my back 7/fin
Hey @TheCarrieCorbin care to explain how MY session wasn’t geared toward “these two groups” when I led with an image of the peaceful protests in PDX inspired by George Floyd??

Also please do not call me Hispanic. In fact, take my name outta your mouth completely. #TAweek
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