If your goal is to be seen, passivity is a non-starter. Sitting back waiting for "your big break" is not a strategy.

A choice, yes. A measurable plan of action, nope.

BUT before you start spending your energy in pursuit of enigmatic goals like "fame," you should analyze what that *specifically* means to you.

Exposure? Acclaim? Fortune?

Although they sound similar in nature, and can Voltron into "fame" when assembled, they're not.

Exposure requires marketing and hustle.

Acclaim requires networking and access to spheres of influence.

Fortune requires sales, sales, and more sales.

Each of has a different strategy. So, pick one.

Or multiple, if you're able to juggle.

And work a strategy toward that *specific* goal.

Exposure: set growth goals and build your networks, and hustle like hell to stand out in the crowd.

Acclaim: get your work out there (everywhere) and into the hands of influencers who will embrace it publicly.

Fortune: find ways to monetize your work and brand. Think outside of the box, especially if what you're selling requires volume (like books) to feed the bulldog. Multiple streams of revenue are your friend. Get creative.

The point is this: you need to identify *exactly* what you're trying to do on the macro level, and dial that back to the micro. The mini-pieces. Those are the actionable, albeit less romantic, parts of the whole.

They're measurable and provide feedback on progress.

Without that feedback, you're shooting blind. Things seem out of control, dizzying. You have no bearing. And, that's when things are left to chance. And, again, chance isn't a strategy. It's surrendering your outcomes.

Don't do that. You CAN tip the scales.

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