I used to want the "big journals" to publish me, used to think that was validation, that indies were 'just' stepping stones — bc this is what we're taught, esp in academia.

It creates this dissonance because art thrives on authenticity, community, craft, not name-dropping bs
There's something uncomfortable to me about the idea that only certain institutions can VALIDATE or PROVE your worth, and yet the bigger the journal name, the bigger the audience and acclaim. As a writer - as a human - it's hard not to want that.
Often these bigger mags have extensive editorial processes, which means your work REALLY got read and approved.

But come on. Look at all the hot garbage that's been published by "dream journals." + the brilliance of indies. There is a component of illusion
For many people, getting published in big legacy journals is about representation AND breaking barriers and giving permission to others as it is gaining an audience through exposure.

That's something worth noting.
But these institutions have to show up to us. They can't JUST be big and famous and well-funded. They also have to play their part. They don't exist on a high tower if we don't put them there. They can't look down and ignore our pleas as a community. They can't.
When magazines like @poetrymagazine @RattleMag
continue to do things that harm people and the community, we need to keep having the hard conversations. For me, it looks like disavowing the idea that institutions have our backs/will hold us. No. We hold us. We make the community
In the end, we can't let the egregious sins of certain journals big or small step us from having dreams or goals or destinations in mind. that MATTERS. your work matters.

we can only hope that our big dream legacy institutions get better, do better, learn.
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