1/It is important from the start to understand that the JDF is a relatively small military force (or army) with a naval element (Coast Guard) and air element (Air Wing). It is trained, organized, and equipped to function as a military force(army). Its sole purpose & reason for https://twitter.com/shawnwenzel/status/1356448439794597888
2/its org, trg & eqpt are to defend, Ja against security aggression from within or outside the country. This is the traditional purpose of military forces. Employment of JDF (or its roles) when it is not involved with its purpose is an entirely different matter. Precisely because
3/of its unique trg, org and high standards of discipline, the JDF is able to be involved in non-traditional roles. You are correct that military forces (so does the JDF) receive training in Internal Security operations. Referred to as Aid to the Civil Power (JCF) in maintaining
4/law & order. Internal Security Ops call for RESTRAINT, DISCIPLINE and an abundance of respect for human life. Admittedly, this requires training and the adoption of the nature of that type of operation. There are two key words in IS ops - RESTORE & MAINTAIN. Key to those two
5/ words is the civil power (JCF). When the mil RESTORES it has to hand back to the JCF. When it MAINTAINS it has to do so in a subordinate role to the JCF. Neither suggests, nor is it desirable, that it be an everlasting operation. Bottom line: Get a police force!!
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