Re: Russ Moore
I've agreed w/ the guy from the beginning that Trump was/is bad for this country. I didn't vote for Trump either time.
Moore's criticisms have been spot on. I'm thankful for him. a Christian votes is a matter of wisdom & conscience...
...& in 2016, Moore did say (later pulling back & apologizing) that to vote for Trump 1) puts you on the wrong side of Jesus, 2) would be a repudiation of all evangelicals believe, & 3) is deeply inconsistent with the application of the Christian faith.

While I am in no way defending Moore's critics & those that have given full throated support of Trump, this whole dust up is grounded in a problem Xians of all varieties & persuasions r contributing to, namely, binding the consciences of other Xians on matters of wisdom.
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There are dozens of pragmatic judgments about the political process, the political system, the culture, and the leaders themselves that one must make, few of which can be clearly demonstrated from Scripture.
That doesn’t mean we cannot support a candidate and seek to persuade others, but it should mean we cannot be certain we have the corner on the true Christian vote.

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