An (overly) simple primer for those GOPers who have character & integrity:

1) Legal / Permitted & Ethical: Do it

2) Legal / Permitted & Unethical: Publicly fight to change the law; don't do it; don't support those who do.
(refusing to bill Medicare and suing the patient)

3) Illegal & Ethical: Do it when important (safe lives), take consequences proudly, publicly fight to change the law
(parking in a fire late to help someone in need)

4) Illegal & Unethical: Don't do it; fight against those who do
(advocating the violent overthrow of the US)

Hint - if you are in the GOP right now, you are in (2) associating with and helping people and a party who are squarely in (4).

Reclaim your integrity from the mortgage the GOP has taken out on your soul.

You can follow @joshuaicore.
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