This morning in HHS we are discussing SB 3 - a bill that would enforce a public health order if COVID-19 positive citizens aren’t following quarantine guidelines and are out in public infecting others. 1/6
Public health orders are used when citizens are knowingly spreading an infectious disease. COVID-19 was added to the list of infectious diseases during the SD legislature’s special session. 2/6
I’ve received many emails on this bill asking me not to support it because it forces SD citizens to get vaccinated. Public health orders do not force treatment, they force people who are knowingly spreading the virus to stay home. 3/6
Proponents addressed their concern with the COVID-19 pandemic—hospital rates, the seriousness of the illness, how it’s necessary to quarantine when infected with the virus. Only 10 people have been forced quarantine. 4/6
Opponents think SB 3 would impact schools and nursing homes—causing them to stay closed/on lockdown. It doesn’t. Other opponents believe citizens’ personal liberties and freedoms are at stake. They aren’t. 5/6
Stay tuned to hear SB 3’s vote. 6/6
SB 3 passes 8-5 out of the House Health and Human Services Committee. #sdleg
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