"How do I get clients?"

The true, long term answer to this question is to turn every single project you take on into a source of future inbound leads/referrals. In order to do this you have three jobs:
0) Do great work, don't be a jerk. This is labeled priority "zero" because it's table stakes and enables everything else. Show up on time, do what you say you'll do. You'd be surprised how commonly this threshold is not met.
1) The person who hired you took a personal risk to do so: make them look good, don't let them down. Tip: this does not happen inside of Figma.
2) On every project you'll interact with many more people, beyond just the one who hired you. You need to leave a great impression on each of them, too. Including (especially) those who are "junior" to you. Understand what their motivations and problems are and try to help.
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