Note Governor Haley didn't test this girls' muscle mass, or look at her chromosomes, or speak with her doctor, or even really ask if she was trans. She just saw a tall Black girl running fast and found some pearls to clutch.
The only law actually passed banning trans girls from sports is being fought by Lindsay Hilcox (left). She is the sole plaintiff challenging such a law anywhere in the country.

But the right keeps posting pictures of Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood (right). I wonder why?
All three are AMAB, all three are runners, all three (presumably) have Y chromosomes. So why would Governor Haley and others only single out Black athletes in their campaign? Could it possibly be more than "science" is at play here?
If muscle mass or height is really the concern, don't they want to test *all* female athletes? At what point should a girl, regardless of her birth certificate, be shuffled off to the boy's team? What muscle-to-body mass ratio, Governor Haley, is sufficiently feminine for you?
As ANY trans person can tell you, it is not "science" or even anatomy that governs how cis people police gender: Appearance matters above all. Forget the studies and hormone levels. This is about policing the body along unrealistic and heavily racialized lines.
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