TMC and I-PAC are focusing on micro management of the elections and with regards to that, teams would be sent to each block of West Bengal where they would stay put till the elections are over.


The teams have been given the responsibility of working with the block level and booth level leaders to undertake door-to-door campaigning and booth level management for the party.

The teams have also been given the responsibility to manage anti-incumbency for the party by designing personalised campaigns for the party at the booth level.

They have also been asked to focus on the governance of 10 years of the Mamata Banerjee government and to use the face of Mamata Banerjee for every campaign that will be carried out in the blocks and districts.

TMC will now be focusing more on booth management and block level campaigning, something which the BJP, the main opponent of the TMC, is yet to master in the state.

One must realise that people are angry with their MLAs and local leaders, but the image of Mamata Banerjee for Bengalis is still sacrosanct and she still enjoys the blessings and popularity from the general voter and this is what the party will try to cash on.

I-PAC has learnt through its ground teams that the BJP is still very weak organizationally in many districts. The BJP, instead of focusing on micro management, is busy focusing on media attention and gaining screen time through mega rallies.

On the other hand, TMC is working to strengthen the party at the booth level. At least 40% of the booths in Bengal, the BJP does not have a single worker for booth management.

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