An investigation by TTP found that months before Trump mentioned the "Patriot Party," his followers had already taken up that mantle on Facebook, forming an extensive array of “Patriot Party” groups and pages used to recruit militia and organize for rallies, including Jan. 6.
TTP identified 51 Facebook Groups and 85 Facebook Pages that include “Patriot Party” in their name or use iconography that’s come to be associated with the movement. Roughly two-thirds of the groups and more than half of the pages were created after the 2020 election.
The groups collectively had 90,420 members as of Jan. 20, & the pages had a total of 31,555 “likes.” Some of these groups quickly amassed large followings.

One group called “Patriot Party,” created on Jan. 17, gained 105,000 members in 8 days, before it was removed by Facebook.
One post in the Facebook group ‘THE PATRIOT PARTY” on the evening of Jan 6, after the Capitol riot, declared “it’s time for good men to do Very Bad Things.”

The post generated hundreds of replies with comments like “locked and loaded” and “let the civil war begin.”
One user even replied to the Patriot Party group post calling to "do very bad things" with martyrdom talk: “I’m ready to sacrifice my life.”

TTP recently found similar martyrdom rhetoric in a far-right group on Facebook, you can read that report here:
TTP found that Facebook’s algorithms recommend Patriot Party pages, likely contributing to the growth of the movement.

If TTP’s monitoring account “liked” a “Patriot Party” page, Facebook’s “Related Pages” feature often pointed to similar pages.
One of the pages identified by TTP even had a Facebook shop selling Patriot Party-branded merchandise

Facebook takes a fee for items sold through these in-platform shops in the U.S., meaning the company is profiting off the Patriot Party movement, which espouses violent rhetoric
Since Jan. 20, when TTP conducted its initial count, Facebook has removed some of the Patriot Party groups and pages in a piecemeal fashion, but dozens of others remain active on the platform, including one that had posts for militia recruitment as recently as last night.
Facebook Patriot Party groups played a significant role in “Stop the Steal” rallies that culminated in the Capitol insurrection.

Pat King, host of “Patriot Party Podcast” and administrator of the Facebook group “Official Patriot Party," and organizer for "stop the steal" events.
“Official Patriot Party,” a public Facebook group created on Nov. 13, laid out its mission, which included “providing ground support for MAGA Marches, coordinating events & support for Patriots...attending events. Guides, Escorts, Security, Lodging & Transportation.”
King's organizing for "stop the Steal" rallies involved a network of "patriot party" movement Facebook groups—all admin'd by King.

The groups were used to "host" Facebook events, where King mentioned he had even booked a Hilton rate for the Dec. 12 rally under "patriot party"
“Official Patriot Party” promoted other pro-Trump rallies, including the Jan. 6 event at the U.S. Capitol. Two days before the Capitol riot, some members of the Facebook group engaged in violent talk.

Others posted militia III% logos and comments about "need to do something big"
The most common "patriot party" iconography is lion’s head in a circular logo.

The icon has been linked to @splcenter-designated white nationalist group VDARE as well as the “Lion’s Guard," a self-styled "militia-style security force for attendees at Trump rallies"
It's worth noting that the Lion’s Guard Facebook page, which describes itself in a pinned post as "Trump protection militia," is still active as of today at 10:30AM

In addition to using the now-"patriot Party" logo, it promotes a quote from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini
The lion's head "patriot party" logo, which has been linked to white nationalism and "trump protection militia" was also featured on a flag at the Capitol insurrection

TTP found Capitol rioter Eric Munchel (aka “zip tie guy”) included the lion’s head logo on his Facebook profile
Patriot Party groups on Facebook have deep militia connections. Many of the administrators of these groups, as well as individual members, openly flaunt their association with militias, despite Facebook’s ban on “militarized social movements.”
For example, the admin for the group “Patriot movement of America” features the III%er logo in his Facebook profile.

The admin for the Facebook group “United Patriots of Arizona” expresses supports the Oath Keepers militia. (Oath Keepers members were charged in Jan 6 violence)
One member of “United Patriots of Arizona,” in a Dec. 24 post, called for organizing a militia and running a training program with small security teams.

The user’s profile cover photo prominently features the flag of the boogaloo movement.
The threats continued after the insurrection. On Jan. 10, a user in the group “Official Patriot Party” targeted the inauguration, posting “HOW CAN WE STOP BIDEN FROM BEING SWORN IN??”
Taken together with the reporting from @JeffHorwitz @WSJ on Sunday, these pages and groups, and the posts they contain make clear Facebook made little effort to prioritize the militant activity festering and growing on its platform.
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