An estimated 5 million undocumented immigrants are serving as essential workers, placing themselves at great risk to help keep the country safe and running.

These individuals and their families must be provided a pathway to citizenship as we begin to rebuild and recover.
An estimated 346,000 undocumented immigrants are working as health care providers or in roles that are necessary to keep hospitals, offices, and labs running smoothly.

These individuals are family members to 103,000 undocumented spouses and children.
🏡🏡These households pay $5.1 billion in federal taxes and $2.6 billion in state & local taxes.

They contribute $1 billion in payroll taxes & pay $2 billion in mortgages payments annually.
Undocumented immigrants working in the food supply chain are family to 619,000 undocumented spouses and children.

These families have been some of the hardest hit by the #coronavirus.
Undocumented immigrants working in the food supply chain pay $13.3 billion in federal tax contributions and $7.8 billion in state and local taxes.

These households hold $60.6 billion in spending power.
Despite not being able to access services such as Social Security and Medicare themselves, these workers’ employers contribute $3.5 billion in payroll taxes annually.
🚧🏗️Nearly 1.6 million undocumented immigrants are working in construction.

These individuals are building & maintaining critical infrastructure projects, such as those needed to expand the country’s increased need for both health care and reliable internet access.
🏠🏠Undocumented immigrants working in construction are also family to 681,000 undocumented spouses and children.

They pay $12.9 billion federal taxes and hold $60.7 billion in spending power.
142,000 immigrants are members of the care economy as child care workers, personal care aides, & home health aides.

They provide essential services to the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, often allowing other family members to return or remain in the workforce.
In addition, an estimated 162,000 undocumented immigrants are working in households as cleaners and housekeepers.
Domestic workers, regardless of immigration status, have been hit extremely hard by the pandemic.

A @domesticworkers survey found that more than 90% of cleaners, nannies, and home care workers lost work due to the coronavirus early in the pandemic. 
🏡🏡Undocumented immigrants working as care providers are family to 46,500 undocumented spouses and minor children.

These households hold $8.4 billion in spending power and contribute $2.5 billion in federal taxes annually.
We must care for those who have risked their lives in caring for our communities.

Congress must utilize all legislative tools necessary to ensure a pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers and their families, Dreamers, and #TPS holders.
You can follow @CAPimmigration.
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