“This Superman wouldn’t save a cat out of a tree”..? Why wouldn’t he? It’s exactly what Bruce said Superman is usually reported to do by the Planet.

Like many before you, your reading of that montage is unfortunately much distant from the truth. https://twitter.com/majingojira1/status/1356580147961462784
This Clark has been saving people since he was a kid. He rescued his own bully from drowning. He refused to hit his aggressors cause he knows how much they would get hurt. He’s been saving strangers all over the world without ever asking anything in return.
He’s ready to sacrifice his own life if it meant destroying the world-ending machine. He begs Zod to not forcing him to kill him despite Zod having just threatened to kill all humans on the planet. He uses his position as a journalist to give voice to the voiceless.
As a public superhero he’s been saving people all over the planet IN SPITE of the controversy his mere existence brings. He saved the life of the man that ruined his reputation, nearly murdered his girlfriend, kidnapped his mom and blackmailed him to commit murder.
He was 100% ready to have humanity nuke him if it meant stopping Doomsday, and he held 0 grudges to them for what. He then sacrificed his life entirely to save a world that mostly rejected him and/or made him an outcast.

Saving people was NEVER a problem with this Clark.
What is being debated in that montage is the existential, religious, scientific & political repercussions of Superman saving people, all sparked from the shooting in Africa (seemingly) caused by his mere presence.
Clark is heavily affected by how others see him. He's conflicted about his place in the world, his identity, and whether or not he is actually doing any good, because whenever he goes people either hate him, worship him, or die.
MoS clearly shows that Superman has always had an altruistic streak and he always does his best to do what he thinks is right. He's not begrudging about saving people, the montage of his rescues wasn't meant to be an in-depth scene of him interacting with civilians
and there's little room for him to be smiling and comforting a civilian when he's dragging an oil tanker or saving a space shuttle from an explosion in a quick montage. And in any case, Superman can clearly be seen smiling towards a young girl he rescues from a fire, until
he becomes uncomfortable with the crowd's reverence of him. He doesn’t want to be seen as a superior being, but a guy that just wants to help. He wants it to be simple, but the world won’t allow him to be.

This reaches a dark point with the Capitol scene.
After he decides to answer for a crime he didn’t commit, the Capitol blows up killing everyone else inside but not him. He failed to see it, he failed to stop it. In his eyes, everyone died because of him. Because he wasn’t enough.
This shakes his faith in the worth of being Superman. He feels like his presence is only bringing more damage than good, hence why it affects him so much. Because he can’t stand other people suffering or worse, dying. He reflects about the words of his father,
the whole “hero cake” story, about Jon stopping the flood but causing horses to drown, which made him doubt the worth of doing good things if bad stuff happens after. Then he met Martha, which reminded him that there IS good worth fighting for, even when bad stuff happens.
THAT is the crux of Clark’s character arc. He wants to help, he does: bad stuff happens, it affects him heavily, and then.. he decides to keep on going anyway, because good deeds are worth doing even when bad stuff happens. He decides to believe in hope.

“This is my world.”
The survivors in Dawn Of The Dead may have all died, but they still stayed good people til the very end and refused to let the apocalypse be an excuse to not care about others.
“Even if you do good, its possible that bad things happen. But that doesn’t mean they weren’t worth doing to begin with.” is a common theme in Snyder’s films.

The problem with people like you it’s that you stop at “Bad things happen.”
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