I disagree with the framing of this headline. The question is not whether the police should use license plate readers to solve crimes. License plate readers don’t work that way.

The question is whether Nashvillians want constant surveillance and recording of their locations. https://twitter.com/wpln/status/1356578110913863684
License plate readers are typically always on — collecting data in a dragnet and recording the identity of every car that drives past the reader.
What happens to that data? Who has access to it? How long is it kept on record? Is the data shared with companies, other cities/states/agencies, or other third parties? How accurate are the databases linked to it?

These are the important questions.
And @WLMAnderson is absolutely on target. This is a racial justice issue. https://twitter.com/wlmanderson/status/1356609012121362433
You can follow @mandysfloyd.
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