Alejandro Mayorkas is unfit to be Secretary of Homeland Security. He has refused to enforce immigration law and has a history of corruption and scandal.

No Senator should vote in favor of confirmation.
Alejandro Mayorkas helped President Obama create "DACA" and "DAPA" (which has since been struck down as unconstitutional) to ignore immigration law & bypass Congress. If confirmed, Mayorkas will again push for executive amnesty programs--at the expense of American wages and jobs.
As head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Mayorkas helped procure green cards for special interests groups and rich Democratic donors, including Hillary Clinton's brother, Harry Reid's son, Terry McAuliffe, and a Huawei executive.
Mayorkas also intimidated whistleblowers. An Obama-appointed DHS Inspector General investigation found the number of whistleblower complaints about Mayorkas "unusual" and that whistleblowers were "unusually" afraid of retaliation.
Mayorkas made USCIS staff brief Harry Reid weekly about his son's clients' green cards. To return the favor, Reid forced Mayorkas's confirmation as Deputy Secretary of DHS.

No Republican voted for him then, & Mayorkas has given no Republican reason to vote for him now.
His history of corruption isn't limited to his past at the Department of Homeland Security. As U.S. Attorney in California in 2001, Mayorkas participated in the Clinton pardon scandal.

Politico would later describe Mayorkas as a "Clinton scandal figure."
President Biden promised to "build back better" and talks about restoring trust in government. A scandal-plagued, ethically-challenged politician like Mayorkas will do neither.
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