Secondly, a note on Reflexive Control...
Let's say I have someone in mind who I want to promote in order to get my political opposition to back him/her.

I'd probably choose someone with extreme views who I know will do a lot of damage to the opposition party.

When opportunity knocks, I will attack that individual on social media.

What will inevitably happen is that the other side will reflexively come to the defense of that individual, thus amplifying support for the individual who was attacked.

This tactic works, without fail.

This has been the modus operandi w/ regard to promoting almost every member of the "Squad"...Ilhan Omar, AOC, & other members of the "Justice Dems".
It works so well, you'll never be able to convince people, even when the evidence is damning.


I'm just going to add...

This is why I am attacked by Mensch, and others like her.

She simply never bothered to take the time to understand how information warfare actually works.

It's ugly.

And in order to understand it, you have to completely detach yourself.


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