My answer to some music debates/questions
(The thread)

My Answer: MBDTF
2) Led Zeppelin vs Pink Floyd

My Answer: Led Zeppelin
3) Donuts vs Endtroducing...

My Answer: Endtroducing...
4) Michael Jackson vs Prince

My Answer: Prince
5) What's the best Roots album?

My Answer: Things fall apart
6) Taylor Swift vs Rihanna

My Answer: Taylor Swift
7) What's the greatest song ever made?

My Answer: Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin
8) Frank ocean vs The Weekend

My Answer: The Weekend
9) Nevermind vs In Utero

My Answer: In Utero
10) Madvillainy vs Piñata

My Answer: Madvillainy
11) Eminem vs Jay Z

My Answer: Eminem
12) What's the best OutKast album?

My Answer: Aquemini
13) What's the best Jazz Record ever made?

My Answer: Mingus Ah Um
14) What's the best album run in music history?

My Answer:
Santana, Abraxas, Santana III, Caravanserai
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