I've been unsettled to see so many profs WFH getting vaccines when so many (Black & brown) cooks, janitors & staff members have lost their jobs on our campuses. Being F2F or newly unemployed, they are MORE, not less, in need of vaccines—& need us to say so.
In this essay, I quote @ProfLWiley of @HealthAUWCL, who helps lay out why, ethically and epidemiologically, we who have been working from home (WFH) can wait a little longer https://twitter.com/ProfLWiley/status/1355112822259245056
I also quote @gregggonsalves and @SFdirewolf on the ethical dilemmas of who being prioritized.

The neoliberal-free-for-all of the rollout has encouraged us to disregard the most important ethical questions of our time, when they are staring right at us, demanding our attention
For those who know me, you know I'm dealing w a loss today.

Dr. Andrew E. Dowe died last wknd.

The last thing I want to do is be launching a piece, when I just want to cry.

But the thing is, Andrew's death is related to today's essay.

I'll explain. https://twitter.com/thrasherxy/status/1356477078426763266
As @gregggonsalves reminded me, premature Black death is everywhere & always connected.

As Ruth Wilson Gilmore said, “Racism, specifically, is the state-sanctioned or extralegal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death.”
Academia doesn't undo health disparities; it can exacerbate them.

Dr. Dowe was an AfAm scholar who I'd talk to abt such matters—such as is why I'm disturbed abt professors who have been WFH are skipping ahead of Black/brown F2F & laid off staff.
You can follow @thrasherxy.
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