it's a trip seeing this stuff as a Black guy who lives in Portland.
The material conditions of Black people in democrat run cities (deteriorating infrastructure, unequal schooling)

The violent over policing of BIPoC communties.

These things don't happen on accident.
There wasn't some big bang of racism & now we're all just innocently caught up in the inertia of oppressive institutions.
You might not like to call it a "race war", but it has casualties nonetheless.
It truly seems like these people's concerns are mostly their own aesthetics.
Why fuss over "intent" so much when the material outcome is more similar than you'd think?
Democrats don't advocate for a race war, they just support the violent subjugation of their Black & Brown neighbors.

I suppose that's a distinction that's important for *someone*
I wonder if were to do an inventory of how much material harm each of these two groups have done to Black & Brown people, who'd come out on top.
from where I'm standing, this argument seems to be about what flavor of white supremacy these folks are comfortable with & not, y'know, denouncing white supremacy all together.
It's really win-win for liberals, because if you say "the state has much more capacity to cause harm than [insert hate group]" the they get to imply that you're in support of said hate group.

All the while you're burdened by both flavors of white supremacy.
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