I was grateful for the opportunity to speak to @AppgCoronavirus this morning.

I mentioned many types of data, but I need to clarify that I mis-spoke when I referred to recent Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 test data: I said “infection” when I should have said “positivity.” 1/ https://twitter.com/appgcoronavirus/status/1356579157380128772
That’s an important distinction, as positivity depends crucially on testing.

In particular, primary students are likely NOT the most infected age group currently, but from other data they appear to be either increasing faster or decreasing slower than most other age groups. 2/
Probably the more important statement from the above QT was my first one,

that Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 test data have undercounted young children for the majority of the pandemic period, largely due to asymptomatic infection and to mild symptoms not identified as covid-related. 3/
I also regret not emphasising secondary student transmission more, as secondary students have had much higher infection prevalence than primary students for most of the pandemic.
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