Watching Poetry Magazine doubling down on platforming a privileged white male pedophile on principle just shows their lack of relevance to anything I care about. The whole we didn’t know but would have done so anyway narrative takes away from the serious ethical...1/7
...considerations presses have to take to protect their survivor audiences. These are active choices editors have to make. It IS Poetry Magazine’s job to judge whether any dubious benefits to ‘art’ will outweigh the harms of publication. Literally part of an editor’s work. 2/7
It’s not ‘art above all’ for everyone else trying to break in to writing (especially not for the marginalized) and the stance that this poetry monolith is taking shows its priorities align with lofty, un-nuanced ideals with no accountability. 3/7
Want to publish the work of imprisoned people? How about women charged for defending themselves against their abusers, people incarcerated for issues related to being unable to get mental health treatment, gang involved youth who are working to improve their lives, or...4/7
...or people who have been found guilty of any of the myriad other crimes that don’t require them to have preyed on the most innocent, defenceless, people in society - children. 5/7
Make better choices within what you’re trying to accomplish. Where is the appetite for giving a continued platform to that? 6/7
Where is the line that can’t be crossed, I wonder?
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