One of the hardest parts of being an artist for me has been career jealousy. There’s the guilt for feeling jealous of your peers, instead of being happy for their successes + the pain from not being able to talk about your feelings w/ anyone as it will expose you as a bad person.
I wrote this song to grant myself the permission to express my feelings of career jealousy.

I WON'T ENVY 2.0, the fourth original song from my play, How To Fail As A Popstar, is out today on all digital platforms!

#popstarplay @canadianstage
Over the years, I've learned that there's actually nothing wrong with jealousy! Being jealous doesn't make you a "bad person." And often, when you’re marginalized, what you think is jealousy, is actually a brutal reminder of your lack of privilege, the barriers you face.
Like with all "negative" emotions, it's *how* you deal with your jealousy that matters. For me, jealousy has never gone away when I’ve pretended I don't feel it. I’ve had to do the opposite—acknowledge it—even if only to myself: "You are feeling jealous right now. And that's ok."
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