anyway having read the articles about all the drug dealers in the abandoned London financial district setting up grow rooms in empty skyscrapers, I have to wonder if London will totally end up looking like the secret Seraphite passageways from TLOU2
Presumably the drug dealers are the WLF to some kind of M*msnet cult battling it out over the territory
ME, escorting a kid who escaped from M*msnet: maybe you should stop saying "we," in reference to M*msnet, these people are trying to kill you
THEM: yeah but some of their teachings still have value.*
*there actually was a really good thread from before M*msnet was fully taken over by Voldemorts about dealing with the impending death of a pet, that I found when my cat was dying and I was Googling things. It was really fcked up to be comforted by something from that site
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