95% of people including 99.99% of "experts" are unwilling to think about why some people in Wuhan collapsed dead on the street to c19, while seemingly catching themselves.All on video, medical personnel quickly carried them away w no follow up except they were deemed dead from it
Of course this didn't happen anywhere else. Is one a conspiracy theorist to ask about that? We r living in a world of fake debate and censorship while completely ignoring the real questions. Are we going to allow the Great Reset to change much of what we love about life?
Why are they trying to vaccinate children, pregnant women and young people at virtually no risk w a vax that doesn't prevent transmission and w significant unknown health risks? Would any of this response be justified if we knew what we know now that ifr is around .15%?
Why do so many politicians use the exact phrase build back better, directly in line w WEF? What are incentives of going along w that? Why are only "experts " funded by Gates Foundation accepted by mainstream media, while others w better expertise and credentials are censored?
Why is seasonality the elephant in the room they won't acknowledge? Why do the experts never get asked about Florida's success while reopened or why we don't try safe treatments such as Ivermectin, vitamin d, or hcq, zinc and z pack? Most receive no treatment at, not even mono Ab
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