1/10 The #MillenniumCohortStudy has been an important source of evidence on children’s mental health over the past two decades. During this #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek, we take a look at some of the study’s most significant findings on this topic.
2/10 Living in a good neighbourhood, having lots of friends and getting on well with brothers & sisters are more important to the happiness of 7-year-olds than growing up in a 2 parent home, @NatCen research from 2014 shows #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

3/10 A 2015 report from @IOE_London and @CentreforMH finds that 11-year-olds from low income households are four times more likely than those with the highest incomes to have mental health problems #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/children-from-poorer-backgrounds-more-likely-to-have-mental-health-problems/
4/10 11-year-olds who play and listen to music, draw and paint, and read for pleasure tend to have higher levels of self-esteem, 2019 research by @ucl @Daisy_Fancourt shows #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/taking-part-in-the-arts-could-help-build-childrens-self-esteem-new-study-finds/
5/10 Risk factors behind children’s wellbeing and mental ill-health do not go hand in hand, finds 2016 research by @pravpatalay #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/childrens-mental-wellbeing-and-ill-health-not-two-sides-of-the-same-coin/
6/10 Children who lose a parent are less likely to talk about their feelings, according to @ncbtweets research using data from the age 11 sweep #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/bereaved-children-bottle-up-their-feelings-study-says/
7/10 One in four girls and one in 10 boys are depressed at age 14, finds 2017 study authored by @pravpatalay & @FitzsimonsEmla #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/one-in-four-girls-is-depressed-at-age-14-new-study-reveals/
8/10 Children who experience a family break-up in late childhood and early adolescence are more likely to have mental health problems than those living with both parents, 2019 @CLScohorts research finds #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/timing-of-parents-split-matters-for-childrens-mental-health-new-research-reveals/
9/10 Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adolescents are five times more likely to be depressed than their heterosexual peers 2019 @clscohorts @LivUni study finds #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/lgb-teens-at-greater-risk-of-poor-mental-health-new-study-finds/
10/10 High levels of serious mental health difficulties among 17-year-olds, finds 2020 study by @CLScohorts @pravpatalay @FitzsimonsEmla #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Read more - https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/high-levels-of-serious-mental-health-difficulties-among-17-year-olds/
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