
There are a tower of reasons to reject Taylor McWilliams’ office block. Tweet @MayorofLondon & tag your top flaw!

~~~ t ~ h ~ r ~ e ~ a ~ d ~~~

This was never a fair process.

Taylor McWilliams’ company Hondo paid Lambeth Council for help getting planning permission.

We had 8000+ objections.
He had £177,549. https://mobile.twitter.com/brixtonbuzz/status/1341277517777416192

Objections on Lambeth’s planning site outweighed support by a factor of ten. Hondo’s OWN public consultation on the tower found 73% of people they asked opposed the plans.

Thousands of us have put our names behind a petition to stop it.

Please keep signing and sharing. Because of the pandemic, we can’t take to the streets, so this is one safe way we have to show our collective strength.

✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 https://www.change.org/p/sadiq-khan-sadiq-khan-stand-with-brixton-stop-taylor-tower-e3e171ec-0bcf-45b7-a47b-b06a3e06f67b

It’s a global pandemic! 🦠

Why build 20 floors of new offices in Brixton, when most businesses say the move to working from home will be permanent?

Flaw 1️⃣6️⃣ may have the answer 👇 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-54413214

Luxury flats by stealth! 🤑 🥷

‘Under current rules, when no businesses can be found to pay the high levels of rent demanded, such a new building could be converted into luxury flats with no social housing, without the need for planning permission.’

@helenhayes_ MP

Too much power for one landlord.

Last year, Taylor tried to evict Nour — a family-run food shop that has been here decades. We fought back and won, but the number of heritage shops we have lost since he bought up the Market is 💔

One man should not own so much of Brixton.

A skyscraper of handwritten objections collected where the tower will be built.

The community’s right to daylight.

‘In total, 119 windows among 8 sites would no longer receive adequate daylight’ — @BrixtonSociety’s objection to the tower.

Taylor’s looming office block will cast shadow into people’s homes.

Half. Way. There.

Now imagine each tweet in this thread is a floor of offices to make profit for Taylor McWilliams, and ask yourself:

Doesn’t Brixton deserve better?

“What do WE want? That’s important.
You should be putting up something there that will bring unity to the community.”

On flaw 9️⃣, Steadman Scott & Rec users explain why locals won’t benefit from Taylor McWilliams’ vision for Brixton.

‘It is now a regular experience for many Residents to feel like a complete stranger in this part of Brixton. An increasing awareness of ones income in terms of the shops one can actually afford to go into. Residents describe this as Social Cleansing.’


Jobs for locals? What jobs?

Hondo like to say this tower will create jobs for Brixtonians... in public. In private they get lawyers to object to Lambeth Council asking for just 10% affordable office space!

This🔥letter from the @BrixtonSociety lists many ways the tower breaks Lambeth's own planning rules. The Local Plan was created with communities to say what we want built in our home.

But all that means nothing, if you're one millionaire?


Climate breakdown.

The logic of unchecked growth — that sees blocks of pointless offices go up all over London, while people urgently need homes — is driving climate breakdown.

Build what communities need. This tower will enrich one developer, at a cost to all of us.
You can follow @save_nour.
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