Japan's official statement upon commencing hostilities against the Dutch East Indies in Jan. 1942.
They may well have invaded anyway if they could not get at Indonesia's oil, but it's noteworthy they emphasize that it were the Dutch who declared war first.
Its not a sure thing of course, but if the Dutch hadn't overestimated their own military capacities and underestimated their opponent (big factor here: racism) they might have tried staying neutral and giving the Japanese what they wanted = oil
It's all "what if" anyway, but that's exactly what the Dutch bent over backwards to do in Europe with the Germans. They obviously never had such respect for the Japanese...
I should note that this is not to imply that the imperial Japanese state could be trusted or had good intentions here. They were ruthless, brutal imperialists. But a neutral Netherlands Indies that supplied them oil may well have been enough to satiate them.
Source: The National Diet Library's US occupation documents collection
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