
Our first federal election was in March 1901 & the first parliament sat in May 1901. There were 3 parties - Edmund Barton's Protectionists, George Reid's Free Traders and the ALP who held the balance of power and would decide our first PM.

The ALP liked Reid & didn't like Barton (too pompous & anti-union) but the ALP made Barton PM. Why? Barton was more pro the White Australia policy (WAP) than the Free Traders. The ALP were a two issue party - racist immigration & trade union stuff (in that order).

The 2nd bill debated was The Immigration Restriction Bill (ie WAP). The debate takes 600 pages of Hansard. It took so long as so many wanted to speak in favour. The ALP wanted to ban ALL non-whites entering Oz (academics, tourists, merchants etc). That was voted down.

Here's the then ALP federal leader Chris Watson in Hansard on the WAP:

The few who spoke against at least some of the WAP were Free Traders (Lib direct ancestor). The most outspoken was Bruce Smith (Wentworth). Smith (and 1 other) spoke against every measure of the WAP. Smith said we would be enriched by skilled foreigners from everywhere.

Here's Bruce Smith MP in Hansard in late 1901:

The political class and most of the media hated Smith claiming he was motivated by cheap labour for his rich mates. That was false. Those in favour of WAP repeatedly referred to white superiority as the 'established science' and derided Smith as anti-science.

Bruce Smith MP reminds me today of Craig Kelly MP - a brave lone voice who is unendingly attacked by a self-righteous mob. Doesn't the Bruce Smith story tells us that it is wrong to silent non-majority views because occasionally the minority is right?
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