tw // homophobia , transphobia , sexual assault , police brutality
what's going on in turkey, a long thread because im really tired of y'all ignoring us:
on jan 2nd 2021, a chancellor was appointed to Bogazici University, one of the most liberal and open-minded universities in Turkey, instead of through an honest election of nominees. The assigned chancellor, Melih Bulu, is connected to the main party of the government,
a conservative, traditional viewpoint. After that the university complained. Not students, not the professors, but the whole university. Classes were suspended, students were out, protesting. On the following days multiple students were arrested and treated in inhumane conditions
The arrested people, some of who were LGBT, were searched, and groped, and assaluted verbally, with disgusting comments against their sexuality. With backlash from the social media, they were released without an apology or explanation.
On the 31 of january, our Minister of Internal Affairs publicly harrassed LGBT people on his social media account, saying "four LGBT perverts" were taken into custody. Since then, three different LGBT tags trended in Turkey.
The arrested group was accused of laying a depiction of the Kaaba on the ground. Then the radical Islamists raged against the leftist part of Twitter, saying LGBT's should be stoned, and burnt. Numerous celebrities among with politicians have shown their support to BOUN's protest
12 hours ago, the LGBT community of the university was shut down with the order of the new chancellor, on the ground that it was "radicalizing the people, encouraging violence and terrorism, creating a national security threat." This was the final point in taking our free speech
Around similar hours, a big group of protesters were taken in by the police, when they weren't protesting, with the police's excuse being "prohibition of walking in large groups" The whole scene was filmed, the forces pushing the students together, forcing them to look down
The police shouting at the students to not look at the camera and look down instead created backlash, when the students were freely representing their ideas, the cops were openly stopping them from speaking. The group is under arrest, and tags supporting the uni are trending
Our free speech and thoughts are being taken away from us, don't stay silent against the crimes against humanity. I will be linking other threads and petitions, as well as news footage. feel free to correct me, i wrote this in a rush.
snipers are now located on top of building near the university, along with military officers restricting access to the university against the students’ will.
the police ordering the students to “Look down”, in an attempt to shut them up
this is tweeted by a minister, in which he calls LGBTs perverted twice.
this is the official declaration the LGBT community is to be shut down, pronounced by the assigned chancellor
update: the minister’s aforementioned tweet has been restricted by twitter, but is still viewable
our literal minister of internal affairs calling people to telegram using an invite link because twitter apparently "censors" him (see previous tweet)
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