This was by far and away the most important news story yesterday in NZ... however the NZ media appears to have given it only cursory exposure. Maybe they do not understand the significance of the admission that #COVIDisAirborne (Thread)
The Director General of Health @AshBloomfield admits that the community cases from last week, were most likely exposed in the Pullman Hotel via Airborne Transmission!!
Now it was clear last week that this was a very likely possibility, but official confirmation is a massive step forward, the importance of which can not be overstated.
However there will be no benefit unless this acknowledgement is matched by significant actions to mitigate the risk of airborne transmission at the border and in isolation facilities, and to put into place airborne contingencies for a possible future community outbreak
Very few people in NZ seem to be talking about airborne transmisson of COVID. Maybe our privileged position has lulled us into a sense of security. But if we are to be prepared for a possible re-emergence in the community it is vital we understand this.
From the beginning of the pandemic we have been consistently told to wash our hands, distance and not touch our faces.
This was based on the assumption that the primary modes of transmission of SARS COV2 is via large droplets when in close contact with an infected person, and contact with contaminated surfaces.
Aerosol transmission on the other hand was categorically denied as a route of transmission by the WHO in March 2020
However there is substantial evidence to suggest that COVID is emitted in aerosols by infected persons, which can remain suspended for prolonged periods, and that inhalation of these aerosols is a significant mode of transmission.
Moreover "The aerosol resulting from 30 s of continued speech has settling time and a viable viral dose an order-of-magnitude higher than in a short cough."
"SARS-CoV-2 generally maintains infectivity at a respirable particle size over short distances…SARS-CoV-2 is resilient in aerosol form"
Covid is dispersed by ventilation systems: "SARS-CoV-2 has ability to disperse from patients to ward vent openings as well as detection of viral RNA in ventilation exhaust filters located at least 50 m from patient room vent openings"
For a more complete list of epidemiological case studies see this thread
Why is the acknowledgement of the airborne route of transmission of Covid important?

Because in order for NZ to remain Covid free, procedures at our borders and isolation facilities must mitigate against all routes of transmission to avoid further community spread.

And the general public needs to be given the correct information about transmission risks to be able to protect themselves in case of another community outbreak –

#CovidisAirborne so Masking, Avoiding indoor spaces, Adequate Ventilation and Distancing
We have the benefit of time to prepare and the advantage of observing overseas experience.

We must not let the public and the healthcare system down by continuing to understate the importance of airborne transmission.
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