Why You Need A Website ?.

Hold On Tight As I Drive You Through 10 Reasons Why You Need A Website

[A Thread]

#100DaysOfCode #blogging #webdev #whyyouneedawebsite #tuesdaymotivations #tuesdayvibe
1. You Need a Digital Business Card
Americans spend, on average, 23.6 hours online each week and nearly 5 hours everyday on their mobile devices. So, if you want to be discovered where people are spending their time, it’s essential to have accurate information about your company.
2. You Need to Be Discoverable in Search Engine Results
People don’t just browse the Internet to discover companies they want to do businesses with; more specifically, they visit search engines. 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. And nearly half of these...
...searches are for local businesses. So, you need to have a search-optimized company website that can rank well in search engine results. This will ensure consumers are able to find, and connect with, your business.
3. Consumers Search with Proximity in Mind
It’s important to have an optimized website so you’ll appear in search results—especially because studies have shown that people tend to take to their computers or mobile devices to search for things that are close to them. In fact,...
... 4 out of 5 consumers use search engines for local information. These searches aren’t just surfing the web either. 88% of searches for local business on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours.
4. It Can Help You Build Credibility
When it comes to convincing consumers to buy, first impressions are important. Fifty-seven percent of people won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. That’s right consumers make judgements about your business based...
on the appearance of your website. Having a professionally designed, thorough and easy-to-use website can help you to more easily convey to potential customers that you are a reputable organization, one they want to do business with...…..
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