Watched AOC's account of the Capitol invasion on IG, and it's both shocking and depressingly familiar.

Republicans and rightwing media actively drove the demonisation of progressives, in particular, women and those of colour. They may as well have pinned a target on their back.
And while it's not so extreme in this country, mostly owing to the differences in our broadcasting environment, there are real similarities to how the left and indeed, sometimes even centrists, have been presented and treated here.
I mean, come on.
Jo Cox was murdered during the EU referendum, and relatively few wanted to interrogate whether the heightening of nationalist sentiment and the demonisation of refugees in the mainstream press and at the centre of politics might have had anything to do with it.
When Owen Jones was beaten up, some media types decided time would be better spent debating whether or not a columnist counts as a journalist as opposed to, say, asking about the escalating pattern of harassment and threats from the far-right which led up to it.
I spent the 2019 GE election campaign genuinely very frightened that something bad would happen to me, or my friends. I'd been chased by the far-right in Westminster that year, and intimidated when on a train by myself. It wasn't out of the question.
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