What constitutes a nation ? Every one should ask this question ?

The concept of nationhood includes the land, the people who historically existed ( not invaders / migrants ), the diverse genome of fauna and flora, the rivers, and the divinity.

But if we look at the current... https://twitter.com/nativethoughts/status/1356486463655800832
2. ..... discourse / narration of nationalism even by so called hindutva parties, we cannot find mention of any of these.

Their nationalism is confined to GDP, money, income, development. Setting up industries, earning wealth is being projected as ......
3 ..... national resurgence. But this is called capitalism and not nationalism.

This is how an entire mob of hindutva supporters had been carried away with false narration of nationalism. Because most of these activists are from urban centre and do not have any bonding ....
4. .... with nature and without any knowledge about the real knowledge of our country.

Ask a Delhi student on how many seasons India has. Or what are different climatic regions. Or about the river basins and its vegetation. Or about the different cow breeds ?...
5. Does the new education policy created by the BJP govt last year cover these aspects as part of their policy ? Yet the hindutva intellectuals hail this as utopian policy and get goosebumps on it.

Shows the extreme and grave intellectual voidness among the hindutva groups.
6. Now look at the farm policies which is so much defended by the hindutva gangs. Do they have any knowledge on more than one lakh varieties of rice and wheat that was in cultivation till 50 years ago, but got extinct due to green revolution ? Does their farm policies .....
7. ....the loss of these genetic assets of our country ? Ideally a nationalist should work towards framing policies that conserve these diverse fauna and flora. But the argument placed by BJP is that farmers will get more money. Sorry.. This is monstrous capitalism and there..
8.... no nationalism in their argument. People are deliberately mis-guided by BJP that nationalism is all about money and economy.

This is dangerous and far more destructive than the congress policies.

If we look at the past 100 years of hindutva history, we can .....
9.....clearly see this deception. Religious nationalism as though religion is all about nationalism and nothing else exists.

It is time that we have to reject all ideologies and look at things with open mind.

Hindutva is as distorting and misleading as leftism & liberalism
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