tw / abuse , false accusations , trauma

i think people really don’t know what it means when they say “i prefer to believe a liar than to believe an abuser”— like if falsely accusing someone of something horrible wasn’t abusive, like if there wasn’t a life being ruined.+
and to be clear i’d always belive the alleged victim first, but we need to know that the victim might be the person in the other side. and this isn’t about not believing victims, it’s about the trauma that goes with not being belived. +
and if anyone takes this the wrong way: i get it, i would’ve done the same if i read this two years ago. but ive seen things, i’ve lived things, i’ve felt things that have forever changed me and not in a good way. so if anyone takes it wrong or thinks by this i mean+
something that i don’t, we are on the same side, and i hope you get to see what i mean without living what i lived. i hope you understand the words and not the pain behind them. but mostly i hope, even if u disagree, that u listen.
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