I've woke up super early today (4:45am). I can't get back to sleep. Too many thoughts, too much pent up emotion I'm can't to release because I am unable to. The last week has really hit me hard, I'm not going to lie. Its really played with my anxiety and depression. (continued)
I'm not going to point fingers or give names, it's not who I am. I do my very best to be a good and kind person. We must remember that actions and reactions have consequences. Good people have been affected by both factors. It needs to come to a close before it's too late. (Cont)
I know things can't go back the way they were, I understand this. If I could wave a wand and make the pain and hurt disappear I would. But I can't. However I can reach out. I have a voice. I don't expect it to be heard, but I will use it. I have to say this. (Continued)
Enough is enough! Events have flown out of control, good and innocent people are being drawn into the line of fire. It's not right, it's not fair. I'm not playing peacemaker nor am I trying to be a voice reason because I know at this time people can't hear it. (Continued)
I am simply putting out a simple truth. Unity is needed more than ever in this world. Everywhere you look there is division of some form or other that keeps people apart. Sides are taken but in the end there are no winners. All that occurs is more pain and suffering. (Continued)
Love and kindness is needed more than ever! I know it's easy to say "be kind" just two little words. But just how hard is it to put those words in to action? Even the smallest act of kindness goes a long way. This is the simplest of truths. (Continued)
We argue, we fight. It's part of the human condition. I accept that. Yet there are times when we need to step back and take in a bigger picture. We need to consider those around us, those who are unaware of the pain we endure in our hearts.(continued)
If the pain is unleashed in the wrong manner, people will get hurt, regardless of whether they are connected or simply a bystander. When this happens rifts that may never close will open. The longer this goes on the harder it will be to do so. (continued)
We each need to look within our selves. We need to reflect and consider our actions and reactions. I know that some bridges have been well and truly burnt but there is time to stop and repair the ones that have not been burnt completely. (Continued)
We need friendship in this world more than ever. We are the ones who should be making the example. Yet there is division, there is no victory. There is only more pain and anguish. It allows those with dark intentions to infiltrate and divide further. I say nevermore! (Continued)
It must stop, it has to stop. We need to be strong for each other. We need to be able to stand up against those who would use such chaos to tear us apart further. We need unity. We need to act as one voice. We need to put aside our differences and stand side by side. (Continued)
I know this will be for many people a very bitter pill to swallow and that I fully accept that not everyone will agree with what I have said. You are free to make your own conclusions, you are free to take your own actions. (Continued)
Whatever you do, please know that you have my friendship and respect regardless. Thank you for taking time to read this thread. It hasn't been the easiest one to write. I've said what I feel is needed and I shall say no more of it. Thank you.
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