TW// We need more positivity in HHT now more than ever. With the Controversies, and the recent suicides I feel like there hasn’t been any type of positivity in while. We don’t know what any of these people we talk to on twitter are going through. And HHT has been on its downfall
I came on this app to talk music with people and share opinions and rate music by artists I enjoy. And discover music from artists I’ve never heard before.
If we want HHT/MT to reach its peak again we need to start with being allot nicer especially when it comes to takes. If you see a take you don’t like just reply with a “❤️” or try to do a respectable argument with both sides saying why they agree and disagree with a take.
We need more people like Grad, Addison, canary bricks and shin They are the most positive people I’ve seen on this app
I just want to see all my mutuals grow with their accounts and having fun on the app cause Twitter can be an escape from a hard life for some people and we gotta respect that.
Idc if this gets aired. This is what I had on my mind after everything that’s happened as of recent. Sorry if it sounds weird or if I worded some things wrong.
FYI. Some of the things I say are jokes and some thing s i say I don’t truly believe. And if I ever said anything disrespectful to you, or your favorite artists I’m sorry. ❤️
Gn Ya’ll ❤️
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