If your reaction to AOC recounting the trauma she's been through is to call her melodramatic, I really, really hope that the survivors in your life have other people they can rely on
When the people you know who have survived sexual assault—and you do know people who have, whether or not they've told you—see you dismiss other survivors, your message is so clear: You won't believe them. You won't have their back.
There is a LOT going on in this tweet but imagine thinking that "gas masks" and "escape routes" are..."luxuries"?? You know, that traditional marker of the American ruling class: a way to leave your office when it's under attack by armed white supremacists
"Don't worry, I'm only dismissing THIS survivor of sexual assault and trauma because she's not an 'everyday person.' I totally support all of the other survivors who meet my personal definition of what that is."
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