Hi AZ healthcare providers! I’m a gynecologist. I wanted to draw your attention to some of the bills that are rolling through our state legislature. There is more than one that aims to make abortion, a medical procedure, a felony. @ACOGAction @ACOG_District8 (1/5)
We’re not bitter over here in ObGyn-land, but it is a fact that most of the time you let us stand at the front and fight any battle that has the word ‘abortion’ in it. Even though you say you are pro-choice and a supporter of full spectrum reproductive healthcare (2/5)
Even if that battle is really a battle against the legislation of medicine or against blatant privacy violations or against systemic misogyny and bias or against THE CRIMINALIZATION OF A LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE. (3/5)
So just so you know we’re out here at the front again. This time fighting for our right to not go to jail for doing our job. We could use your voice. Because this is not just an abortion issue. It never is . (4/5)
And you can be sure we’ll be there for you when they try to make one of your procedures punishable by jail time. We’ll have already warmed up. #FactsAreImportant #SB1381 #SB1383 #SB1457 #HB2650 (5/5)
(coda) make your voice heard: educate yourself, call your legislator, register your dissent. There is power in numbers. https://www.azleg.gov .
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