A mayoral candidate wants to scrap the brand new City Plan. This is *our* investment in yrs of work, expertise, modeling, public engagement. We paid for it & engaged on it. He wants to rip up our investment of time & $. #yegcc #yegvote #yegplan
City Plan is a statutory plan *required* by the province & it has already been approved. Ripping it up is like lighting $ on fire. Not just because of the initial investment in the plan, but also due to the costly *economic* impacts of not aiming to acheive this plan. #yegvote
Thankfully it's a promise he can't keep. But he's been on (or around) Council for 25yrs. He's saying he wants your investment to be thrown away, & he wants to create a city that will cost you & our kids even more. He's lying to Edmontonians & knows it. #yegvote #yegcc #yegplan
I, along with 100s of others, organized around the last municipal development plan (MDP) 12ish yrs ago. We got additions added re: local food & ag land. It took 3x at Council with 500+ people & this was *before* the plan was passed. We added a page or so. #yegcc #yegplan #yegvote
He had every opportunity as a Councillor to engage community, turn people out, encourage participation. Alot more than average citizens have. I spent many hrs participating in City Plan engagement, & encouraging others to as well, especially young people -who this plan is for.
He didn't do the work before the plan was passed. Even if you don't like the plan, he didn't fight for you, he isn't now, & he won't even if he was elected mayor. Edmontonians deserve honest leadership even if you don't always like what they have to say. #yegcc #yegvote #yegplan
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