Thread. When the PM says his government supports getting to net zero (a message he is very keen to send at this point in a way consistent with not blowing up the Coalition) – people need to ask whether the government's policy actually bears this language out.
At the moment, the government's policies are not consistent with achieving this objective. The policies are not even close to achieving this objective. The government's own projections show it is not on track to meet its lowball 2030 target. That's just a fact.
I welcome this post-Biden shift in the PMs language. If he adopts net zero as a firm commitment this will be significant. I welcome a climate debate based on facts rather than hyper-polarisation and weaponisation. But that's the point. Facts should form the basis of judgments.
Right now, the facts are clear. Getting to net zero requires a level of ambition that is completely absent from the Coalition's current suite of policies. Until that changes, nothing changes #auspol
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