This is not totally related but maybe it also is.....ALL men need a reality check on what is appropriate behavior with communicating with a woman online, over the phone, etc. I personally rarely even open DMs from people I don’t know in person.
Please don’t DM me something you could say to me publicly, because the nature of a DM immediately makes me think if I respond to you you’ll think I’m interested in you, because what was your motive in privately messaging something that could absolutely be said publicly?
(Let me also while I’m at it make it clear I’d never date/talk to/entertain in any way any man I met online without ever meeting in real life lol. I’ve been on Twitter since I was 13 and have dealt with LOTS of creeps in the process simply for being a girl interested in sports).
Don’t DM girls things you can just tweet them as a response to their tweet. And if a girl does not answer your DM, don’t continue to DM them. Abolish DMs tbh I’m done with them. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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