For those who missed AOC’s live:

Early in the siege, someone started pounding on her office door. Her staffer told her to hide, she hid in the bathroom. Person entered her office screaming “where is she?!” over and over.

Turns out it was a USCP officer who never ID’d himself.
He told her to go to a building (at street level) that WASN’T their extraction point — didn’t tell her to take her escape hood, etc.

She said he looked furious when he saw her, and her staffer (a male) was sizing him up trying to decide if he was going to have to fight him.
He also didn’t escort them to the (wrong) building that he directed them to — leaving AOC (in heels) and one staffer to run around on their own.

Luckily, they found Katie Porter’s office and were able to shelter in place with her.
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