1. A lot of people aren’t really against government infringement. They’re just against government infringing on them.
2. Examples of government “infringement”:

Requiring doctors to have a valid medical license.

Jury summonses.

Selective Service enrollment.

Decennial census.

Zoning laws that keep slaughterhouses from being built in residential neighborhoods.
3. The point is that no one is ever really free to do as they please. Or if they do, the fact there’s a law that may come along and punish the act is another “infringement” on that so-called freedom.
4. The slaughterhouse builder might not like zoning laws that prevent putting a slaughterhouse up in your cul de sac.

I bet domestic abusers don’t like being told how they can and can’t treat their spouses, either. It’s an infringement, they’d say.
5. Other people like these same “infringements.”

You and your neighbors like the zoning laws keeping the slaughterhouse out.

Patients like having licensed physicians.

Those who care for and about abuse victims like domestic violence laws being enforced.
6. So sure, let’s talk about appropriate limits on government’s authority.

But don’t play like you think government infringement is always evil unless that is truly what you mean in all imaginable circumstances.
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