During the Capitol Attack, @AOC hid in the bathroom in her office and says she heard someone break in, shouting "where is she?"

"This was the moment where I thought everything was over," she says, while she hid behind the door of her bathroom. "I thought I was going to die."
She is crying as she recounts the day. She says it sounded like one man was in her office and says when she peeked through the door hinge of the bathroom she saw a white man with a black beanie going inside her personal office. She says she held her breath.
She says her staffer told her to come out and there was a Capitol police officer there, but says it didn't feel right because the officer was alone & wasn't identifying himself. She says he was looking at her in anger. "This man came with so much hostility," she says.
She says she was told to run to a building but doesn't say which. She then added they were in the "Dunkin Donuts of the building" which would be Longworth.
This is definitely Longworth because she mentioned running past Rep. Katie Porter's office, which is in Longworth. That is one of the Capitol office buildings which is across Independence Ave from the Capitol. She says she took shelter with Rep. Porter.
This is a very detailed account. There are 157K people on the livestream. She says she and Rep. Porter located a workout bag of one of Porter's staffers. AOC says she took the sneakers in the bag because she was wearing heels while staffers pushed couches up against the doors.
"What also felt crazy traumatizing was feeling like there were people that were willing to do what they needed to do ... the incredibly brave staffers ... they were making decisions to themselves between us and anyone potential danger that would break into that room," AOC says
She says there was an "extraction point" for members which "legitimately did not feel safe" and she decided to stay in Rep. Porter's office.
She says she didn't tweet that she was safe, unlike other members, because she didn't feel safe.
She says she then went to Rep. Ayanna Pressley's office and said there until 4 a.m. and told both her and Rep. Porter about what happened in her office. She says Pressley told her: What you experienced is traumatizing and you need to take care of yourself.
"If you've experienced any kind of trauma, just the fact of recognizing it ... is a huge step," she says.
She calls out Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for their role in questioning the election results. "They chose to tell the lie," she says.
"If that is your stance, for these insurrectionists ... that means they continue to be a danger for their colleagues," she says, of Cruz and Hawley for failing to apologize or acknowledge.
She says she will save the recording for later. She says she's been giving herself time and space to heal. "My story isn't the only story," she says. "Together, we have 435 stories." She says she wants her Republican colleagues who say it's time to move on to hear them.
That's all for tonight. At its peak, I saw about 150K viewers on the stream.
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